EuroCon Czech s.r.o. is established.
EuroCon Czech s.r.o. is established.
Collaboration with a major company in the automotive industry is established – Toyota Tsusho Europe s.a.
1st version of the WebControl system is launched - a client system for a convenient overview of work in progress.
Contract as the exclusive supplier of sorting services for the Continental Brandýs nad Labem is acquired.
Transfer to the renowned certification authority TÜV-SÜD
2nd version of the WebControl system is launched - a client system for a convenient overview of work in progress.
We become day-to-day supplier of services for the largest Czech automotive company - Škoda Auto a.s.
3rd version of the WebControl system is launched - a client system for a convenient overview of work in progress.
EuroCon wins the tender to supply services for the Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech, s.r.o. (TPCA) in Ovčáry.
EuroCon Holding a.s. Group is created
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